Who We Are
Ernő Fodor has founded his private music school at 40 Andrássy Avenue, Budapest. It functioned as District Music School No. 1, then from 1968 as Budapest 6th District State Music School.
In 1986 the school was named after Aladár Tóth whose work and humanity was highly acknowledged by the Hungarian musical society. Beyond high standard instrumental music education, group music education – which raises the affection for playing music together – has an important role. Our teachers some of whom also work as college or university professors participate in the training of the teachers’ future generations. By creating pedagogy essays, working as consultants or distinguished experts, they strive to preserve the level of musical education in Hungary. Besides their work as teachers many of them also pursue a professional musician’s career.
Our pupils and ensembles perform successfully in local, national and international competitions and festivals; many continue their musical education at musical secondary schools, colleges, universities. We organize music camps at the end of each school year, and we hold a yearly concert for the benefit of the school foundation. We cultivate good relationships with music schools in Austria, the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Application process in 2022-2023th school year:
Please fill this form, applying for instrumental education, or for music pre-school classes. Than an aptitude test is also part of the application process this year, which will be held on the 25th, and 27th of April, and the 3th of May, 16.00-18.00., at the headquarters of the school (1063 Budapest, Szív u. 19-21.).

1063 Budapest, Szív u. 19-21.
Telefon: +36-1-4130459; +36-1-3428104; +36-1-4130818
E-mail: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát..
When to apply
The exact date can be found at the school’s message board or in our homepage from early April. The pre-educational groups are organized by our solfeggio teachers at the schools of the district.